Saturday, March 08, 2008

21 - The Experience

I consider myself a movie buff. Though, I think I am a fake one. I do love movies, and, in fact, they are the only art that I believe in. However, I never studied movies. Or, watched those old classical black and white. They are just too slow! I watch a lot of foreign movies. Overall, I am nothing compared to REAL movie buffs I have met. For example, until tonight, I had never been to a special screening, or a movie screening that is part of festival!

This is my last semester in Austin, TX, for which reason I opted to enjoy Austin. Well, I am a nerd after all, and many of what Austin offers does not appeal to me. Nevertheless, Austin does offer a whole lot of things. For example, SxSW festival! Therefore, I decided to enjoy SxSW this year.

I been excited about SxSW. I looked up the movies, and chose which ones I am going to. SxSW featured 21 on the opening night. I was preparing for it and all excited. Leading up to the movie was bunch of my friends bailing out on going. So, no body was going. I almost just stayed at home and did not go, but I am glad I did go.

I went a bit over the hour early. I waited in the cold. Then got it. I was lucky to get a good seat in Paramount. While we are waiting, there were all those VIP coming in and a lot of media surrounding the entrance. A girl standing behind me in line was all curious about who are those VIP people. When asked her, she said that Jim Sturgass, the lead actor (lead actor in Across the Universe, too) is her big movie crush. So, I got all curious about who are those VIP people. She was giving up as no one recognizable face came. A few minutes later, Jim Sturgass, actually showed up. This girl went crazy. She ran up closer to take pictures, and we laughed at her with her boyfriend!

We got in and watched the movie. The review to come pretty soon.

So now I feel super duper specialness. I had watched a movie that no one has access to watch it!

This brings up another issue. The theater experience. See, watching a movie in a theater is completely different experience. I was thinking of the reason. The essence of the reason. It's because when setting in a crowd one has different perspective than when setting alone. If you didn't understand that line, don't worry. It makes complete sense in my head.

The movie was great. Wait for the review.

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