Thursday, March 13, 2008

Stupendous Theory #301

This is really aint a theory as much as a life lesson. But, I have not wrote a stupendous theory in so long. So, I called this that.

Today I re-learned something that I had learned hundred, and hundred of times. YET, I keep re-discovering it. As if I have topic-specific amnesia!

The story began early this semester. I was taking only 7 hours of classes, for which reason my financial aid took out 3K off of my scholarships and grants. So, to get back to 12 hours, the minimum to get me back my grants and scholarships, I started scouting for classes.

In the process of scouting to fun, easy classes, I decided to try the fencing class that Nimz, and others are taking. A class in which I fought a white tiger and broke my arm.

So, I did not like that class; therefore, I dropped it and added another weight lifting class, which left me with a work-out class every morning at 8 am. By then, I had 12 hrs of classes.

Regardless, the financial people have realized, after I added the classes and paid the bill, that I can't get a $2k grant, which made me really upset, because I had confirmed with them that I CAN get it. Anyways, without the $2k grant, I would have not had enough for tuitions. So, after semi-yelling at them, and making them go back to review all the phone calls between us, they felt guilty. Their guilt made them cover up my tuition!

Though, today I realized that my broken arm had cost me, so far, $500. ETC (estimated total cost) is about $1k!

So the theory is: when it comes to money and earning, this is complete fate, and destiny. You can only do your best, but you can't control white tigers jumping at you, squirrels stealing your well earned lunch, or you mistakenly trash a multi-thousand dollar model for your company.

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