Thursday, March 06, 2008

The backpack that made my day!

After a very boring Aircraft Design class, during which I entertained myself by coloring the bold letters in the newspaper with my pen, I went back to my place. My apartment door is right next to the stairs, which means that once my vision sight clear the last step I can well see what's on my door.

See, last semester, in the season of job hunting, when I was expecting for a mail any day, I had a habit of looking at the bottom of the door every time I come back.

Finally today, I found an un-expected package at my door. At first, I thought the delivery man had done a mistake. But, when I picked it up quickly, I read my name. So, it's for me! I couldn't read the sender name, because it was in smaller font, and I really had to pee! While peeing, I kept thinking of what is it that I get!

Is it my parents? nah, they would've called my 9823423 times to tell me about it. Is it a company want to hire me? nah, this is too large of a box to be an offer. Only side to care about sending me something would be Deloitte. What would they send me? May be they sent me a framed document stating that I'm fired before I even start. I don't know.

One more thing about me; I love surprises, specially surprise gifts. May be because it kind of takes a lot to surprise me, since my brain has the restless feet syndrome and always wandering out somewhere. Also, growing up, my parents had, what my friend Nimz call Practicality issue. They would not just get me a gift, unless I would ask for it! Seriously! Well, not that they were stingy on me, they were not, which was the problem. They always assumed that I ask for what I need. But, I liked getting some thing without asking! Regardless, I usually got my b'day gifts AFTER I asked for them, which is no fun. No surprise factor!

Anyhow, It took me a long time to dispose of that large intake amount of liquid in the form of coffee. However, I ran out to my surprise box. I read the sender name. It's Deloitte!

Quickly, I opened the box. A shiny new backpack came out of it with Deloitte name embroidered on the front. Awww, they sent me a gift. Wait, there is a card, too. It said, "Pack your bags - you're headed to Deloitte!"

That bag made my day.

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