Sunday, November 08, 2009

The Solution to Global Warming: Indians I

Global warming is reality, and the world is acknowledging that fact progressively – which is deeply concerning. I am not too worried about melting Eskimos, and endangered Penguins. Ya, Penguins are cute and all – but that is about it. Nor is the super hot days that worry me. It’s the way we are fighting global warming that is scaring me – green initiatives.

With all these green initiatives, what’s going to happen to V12, 6L engine powered super cars using 2 gallons per mile? By the time I can afford one -- 150 years old or so – green movements would have killed those cars off the market. No, a hybrid Carrera GT is not acceptable. Would Scarface been such a classic if Al Pacino used a BB gun for his “lil Friend.” The thought just makes me want to puke. Thus I propose my solutions to the global warming issue, fix the people not the climate.

Darwin has a point – If you have the genes for it, you will survive it. That is when I thought of this plan. If we find the genes that can survive extreme climates and living conditions, we can spread theses genes across the world to immune everyone against global warming giving them the capacity to survive.


Indians have what it takes to survive extreme climate. There are over 1 billion of them in India only – not counting all the American, African, English, and non-indian Indians. To accumulate this number, they must’ve done something. Add to it that India is not the perfect climate for the human species. I am not a climatologist, but I am 95.4% sure that India houses all the extreme climates of the world, and none of the desirable California ones. Yet, there are over a billion Indians in India.

They have the full package; reproduced to over one billion in the extreme heat; attained peace with mosquitoes, flies, and other mutant bugs; founded a one sign language that is exclamatory in nature; developed persistency to get what they want from anyone and anything … The list goes on. But I guarantee you that I have never seen such countless numbers live in such extreme conditions so similar to the dooms days Al Gore keeps ranting about.

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