Friday, July 03, 2009

On my way to the Mosque today, I stopped for an accident that had just happened. There was a large SUV flipped on its side, and a white Lexus that has no front or engine any more. A group of people were helping the SUV guy climb out of the car. I ran out there to help.

All involved in the accidents were fine. Albeit, extremely shocked. Neither drivers could say anything. Just nodding or mumbiling some voices to answer our questions. The cops were called. Luckily, an ambulance driving by stopped to help as well.

The Lexus driver had some cuts on his arms and all. I walked over to ask him to get some bandage on the cuts by the medics around. He was shaking. Didn't say anything.
"Shit, my daughter just totalled her car last week. fuck, shit," was first thing he said.

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